
A seemingly good workflow when doing Front End development


When creating a new feature branch, generally:

  1. Create new feature branch locally (off of develop)

    • git checkout develop (checkout your local develop branch)

    • git pull (pull in any changes from remote develop branch)

      • git pull origin develop (if develop isn't connected to remote develop branch)

      • git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/develop (to connect local develop branch to remote develop branch... then you can run git pull going forward)

    • git checkout -b new-branch-name (create new local branch)

  2. Push new feature branch onto GitHub (pavewisepro/pavewise-web)

    • git push -u origin new-branch-name (creates new/connected remote branch)

  3. Create a "PR Draft" with your GitHub branch

    • (this will allow the automated build checks to happen, creating a history of the ability of your commits to build -- this is useful in case something breaks and we have to go back to a time where things were working)

      • (eventually, we may create GitHub Actions that run these checks on commits to any GitHub branches, but do this until that happens)

    • Choose yourself as an 'assignee' on the PR

When doing a commit, generally:

  1. Run yarn lint:format prior to commit

    • (if not formatted correctly, the automated build checks on GitHub will fail)

  2. Push commit to GitHub

    • git push (pushes any local changes to connected remote branch)

When making a PR, generally:

  1. Rebase onto develop prior to converting from "PR Draft" to "PR"

    • git rebase origin/develop (attempt rebase onto remote develop)

      • If merge conflicts arise:

        • (1) VSCode > Source Control or GitHub extension

        • (2) GitHub Desktop (app)

        • (3) Git

          • Resolve a conflict, then

          • git add . (mark the conflict as resolved)

          • git rebase --continue (continue the rebase process)

    • git push -f (must force push after rebasing)

    • (there may have been merges into develop branch since you branched off of it... once your PR is approved, having rebased your feature branch will allow a clean merge into develop without merge conflicts after PR approval (and will allow reviewer to see final/rebased changes when reviewing))

  2. PR (convert from "PR Draft" to "PR")

    • (click "Request review for changes")

    • Choose the appropriate people for "Request review"

Splitting apart a PR into PR chunks (or just wanting to bring in

git checkout weather-impacts-chart-fe -- 'src/pages/_mui/projects/[projectId]/_components/SectionWeatherImpacts’

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