Roles / Permissions

Just putting this here for now...


Example Setup

Frontend (e.g. allowing custom roles per company)

Custom roles like this could be in addition to our "default roles": Admin, Project Manager, Read-only, etc.


## example implementation of limited / field supervisor-type role ("canOnlyIfOriginatedData")
## (Admin 'canOnlyIfOriginatedData' fields would be 'false')
    "name": 'Field Supervisor',
    "description": 'This role can view all data, and can conditionally create, update, and delete data',
    "permissions": {
        'projects': {
            'canCreate': false,
            'canRead': false,
            'canUpdate': false,
            'canDelete': false,
            'canUpdateRelationships': false
        'equipment': {
            'canCreate': true,
            'canRead': true,
            'canUpdate': true,
            'canDelete': true,
            'canOnlyIfOriginatedData': true,
        'production_goals': {
            'canCreate': true,
            'canRead': true,
            'canUpdate': true,
            'canDelete': true,
            'canOnlyIfOriginatedData': true
        # ...

Single role per user

^ ...validating the 'permissions' structure to maintain integrity

Many roles per user

Last updated